18 research outputs found

    Futures for research on hate speech in online social media platforms

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    This chapter provides an overview of the various themes and points of connections between the various chapters in this section and outlines the current limitations as well as the major social and technical issues that still need to be addressed in hate speech detection. In particular, the authors discuss the ways in contexts - from legal contexts such as laws determining data collection methods to sociocultural contexts like annotator knowledge - affect the possibilities for the machine learning pipelines. Along with identifying current issues and limitations, the authors delineate future avenues for hate speech detection research

    “It ain’t all good:" Machinic abuse detection and marginalisation in machine learning

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    Online abusive language has been given increasing prominence as a societal problem over the past few years as people are increasingly communicating on online platforms. This increase in prominence has resulted in an increase in academic attention to the issue, particularly within the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), which has proposed multiple datasets and machine learning methods for the detection of text-based abuse. Recently, the issue of disparate impacts of machine learning has been given attention, showing that marginalised groups in society are disproportionately negatively affected by automated content moderation systems. Moreover, a number of challenges have been identified for abusive language detection technologies, including poor model performance across datasets and a lack of ability of models to contextualise potentially abusive speech within the context of speaker intentions. This dissertation aims to ask how NLP models for online abuse detection can address issues of generalisation and context. Through critically examining the task of online abuse detection, I highlight how content moderation acts as protective filter that seeks to maintain a sanitised environment. I find that when considering automated content moderation systems through this lens, it is made clear that such systems are centred around experiences of some bodies at the expense of others, often those who are already marginalised. In efforts to address this, I propose two different modelling processes that a) centre the the mental and emotional states of the speaker by representing documents through the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) categories that they invoke, and using Multi-Task Learning (MTL) to model abuse, such that the model takes aims to take account the intentions of the speaker. I find that through the use of LIWC for representing documents, machine learning models for online abuse detection can see improvements in classification scores on in-domain and out-of-domain datasets. Similarly, I show that through a use of MTL, machine learning models can gain improvements by using a variety of auxiliary tasks that combine data for content moderation systems and data for related tasks such as sarcasm detection. Finally, I critique the machine learning pipeline in an effort to identify paths forward that can bring into focus the people who are excluded and are likely to experience harms from machine learning models for content moderation

    Thorny Roses: Investigating the Dual Use Dilemma in Natural Language Processing

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    Dual use, the intentional, harmful reuse of technology and scientific artefacts, is a problem yet to be well-defined within the context of Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, as NLP technologies continue to advance and become increasingly widespread in society, their inner workings have become increasingly opaque. Therefore, understanding dual use concerns and potential ways of limiting them is critical to minimising the potential harms of research and development. In this paper, we conduct a survey of NLP researchers and practitioners to understand the depth and their perspective of the problem as well as to assess existing available support. Based on the results of our survey, we offer a definition of dual use that is tailored to the needs of the NLP community. The survey revealed that a majority of researchers are concerned about the potential dual use of their research but only take limited action toward it. In light of the survey results, we discuss the current state and potential means for mitigating dual use in NLP and propose a checklist that can be integrated into existing conference ethics-frameworks, e.g., the ACL ethics checklist

    Bound by the Bounty: Collaboratively Shaping Evaluation Processes for Queer AI Harms

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    Bias evaluation benchmarks and dataset and model documentation have emerged as central processes for assessing the biases and harms of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. However, these auditing processes have been criticized for their failure to integrate the knowledge of marginalized communities and consider the power dynamics between auditors and the communities. Consequently, modes of bias evaluation have been proposed that engage impacted communities in identifying and assessing the harms of AI systems (e.g., bias bounties). Even so, asking what marginalized communities want from such auditing processes has been neglected. In this paper, we ask queer communities for their positions on, and desires from, auditing processes. To this end, we organized a participatory workshop to critique and redesign bias bounties from queer perspectives. We found that when given space, the scope of feedback from workshop participants goes far beyond what bias bounties afford, with participants questioning the ownership, incentives, and efficacy of bounties. We conclude by advocating for community ownership of bounties and complementing bounties with participatory processes (e.g., co-creation).Comment: To appear at AIES 202

    Queer In AI: A Case Study in Community-Led Participatory AI

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    We present Queer in AI as a case study for community-led participatory design in AI. We examine how participatory design and intersectional tenets started and shaped this community's programs over the years. We discuss different challenges that emerged in the process, look at ways this organization has fallen short of operationalizing participatory and intersectional principles, and then assess the organization's impact. Queer in AI provides important lessons and insights for practitioners and theorists of participatory methods broadly through its rejection of hierarchy in favor of decentralization, success at building aid and programs by and for the queer community, and effort to change actors and institutions outside of the queer community. Finally, we theorize how communities like Queer in AI contribute to the participatory design in AI more broadly by fostering cultures of participation in AI, welcoming and empowering marginalized participants, critiquing poor or exploitative participatory practices, and bringing participation to institutions outside of individual research projects. Queer in AI's work serves as a case study of grassroots activism and participatory methods within AI, demonstrating the potential of community-led participatory methods and intersectional praxis, while also providing challenges, case studies, and nuanced insights to researchers developing and using participatory methods.Comment: To appear at FAccT 202

    BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model

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    Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License

    Mirages: On Anthropomorphism in Dialogue Systems

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    Automated dialogue or conversational systems are anthropomorphised by developers and personified by users. While a degree of anthropomorphism is inevitable, conscious and unconscious design choices can guide users to personify them to varying degrees. Encouraging users to relate to automated systems as if they were human can lead to transparency and trust issues, and high risk scenarios caused by over-reliance on their outputs. As a result, natural language processing researchers have begun to investigate factors that induce personification and develop resources to mitigate such effects. However, these efforts are fragmented, and many aspects of anthropomorphism have yet to be considered. In this paper, we discuss the linguistic factors that contribute to the anthropomorphism of dialogue systems and the harms that can arise, arguing that it can reinforce stereotypes of gender roles and notions of acceptable language. We recommend that future efforts towards developing dialogue systems take particular care in their design, development, release, and description; and attend to the many linguistic cues that can elicit personification by users

    On the Machine Learning of Ethical Judgments from Natural Language

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    Ethics is one of the longest standing intellectual endeavors of humanity. In recent years, the fields of AI and NLP have attempted to address issues of harmful outcomes in machine learning systems that are made to interface with humans. One recent approach in this vein is the construction of NLP morality models that can take in arbitrary text and output a moral judgment about the situation described. In this work, we offer a critique of such NLP methods for automating ethical decision-making. Through an audit of recent work on computational approaches for predicting morality, we examine the broader issues that arise from such efforts. We conclude with a discussion of how machine ethics could usefully proceed in NLP, by focusing on current and near-future uses of technology, in a way that centers around transparency, democratic values, and allows for straightforward accountability

    Hate Speech Criteria: A Modular Approach to Task-Specific Hate Speech Definitions

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    The subjectivity of recognizing hate speech makes it a complex task. This is also reflected by different and incomplete definitions in NLP. We present hate speech criteria, developed with perspectives from law and social science, with the aim of helping researchers create more precise definitions and annotation guidelines on five aspects: (1) target groups, (2) dominance, (3) perpetrator characteristics, (4) type of negative group reference, and the (5) type of potential consequences/effects. Definitions can be structured so that they cover a more broad or more narrow phenomenon. As such, conscious choices can be made on specifying criteria or leaving them open. We argue that the goal and exact task developers have in mind should determine how the scope of hate speech is defined. We provide an overview of the properties of English datasets from hatespeechdata.com that may help select the most suitable dataset for a specific scenario